All we know that FFXIV Patch 3.5 is coming
next week, MmoGah
will show you the updates here, let’s see the details in the following parts:
Scenario-Part 1
The threat of the Warriors of Darkness is
no more. Unexpected reunions salve the ache of bittersweet farewells. And with
their ranks further bolstered by the official induction of Alisaie and Krile,
once more do the Scions of the Seventh Dawn set their feet upon fate's path and
their gaze upon distant horizons.
Story Quests
Hildibrand Adventures: Inspector's Log: The future of
House Manderville is in peril! Gigi, apple of my eye, beloved son, has run away
with the Grand Sers, those elderly scoundrels! Glad though I was to see him
regain his lost memories, his sudden revelations led him to pursue a most
dangerous path. Overcome with grief for his deceased creator, he now seeks to
harness his phenomenal powers that he might return the dead to life! Yet I know
full well he will not find solace in the dark arts, and so it falls to me,
Zombibrand, devourer of brains, undead overlord extraordinaire-Ahem! Former
undead overlord, to return my dear boy to the straight and narrow!
Endalim’s Scholasticate: With every mystery solved it seems
another, greater than the last, springs up to take its place. Tensions are
running at an all-time high at the scholasticate, as rage and desperation take
hold of the student body who are altogether too eager to pin the blame for
their misfortune on one unlucky individual, who some might say is just getting
what he deserves. While some fight to defend the innocent, others move to take
justice into their own hands, and once again you and Inspector Briardien find
yourselves in a race against time to uncover the true culprit responsible for
the chaos that ensues.
More details are here: