“Mmm ur prize is too high is better buy wow token. Wow token is 20 euro=295000 gold.”
“Hello, iv seen your site and iv checked the pricing…well I am kinda wandering why would anyone buy 150k gold for 19.34 euro when u can get 280-300k by buying the token from blizzard(20 euro)? Thank you.”
We know that some players show great interest in the cheap wow token. Some players would like to buy wow token with their gold which is gotten from playing the game frequently. However many players get the wow token by buying wow gold.
Here MmoGah as a professional wow gold store would like to analyze the reason why many players prefer to buy wow gold rather than buy wow token.
More details, you can click this link: https://www.mmogah.com/news/wow/why-many-players-prefer-to-buy-wow-gold-rather-than-buy-wow-token.