Are you a gnome? Do you know a gnome? Would you like to BE a gnome? (And who wouldn’t?) Then please follow MmoGah (a professional WoW Gold site) to rise UP to the challenge of The Great Gnomeregan Run on Saturday, October 14 from Gnomeregan to Booty Bay.
Where: Beginning outside the gnome starting area and ending in Booty Bay
Who: Alliance-Only (Don’t worry, Horde can create a level 1 gnome and join in the fun too.)
Whether you are a level 1 gnome (highly encouraged), a level 71 human, or a level 110 draenei, you will be able to join in this fun run beginning in the gnome starting area, winding through Dun Morogh, Ironforge, the Deeprun Tram, Stormwind, Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, and Stranglethorn Vale where the run culminates in Booty Bay.
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