
Guide for Fury Warrior DPS

Currently in Legion of World of Warcraft, your goal is to get enraged as a fury warrior and then hit the enemy with your hardest hitting abilities while enraged. From this guide you can learn the basic of a fury warrior in a raid setting (mostly focused on single target), and ignores changes to the rotation based on legendaries.

Endless Rage for more rage generation.
Double time for more mobility in fights and also rage generation if needed.
Avatar for much higher single target damage and AOE burst.
Bounding stride for more mobility, and with the changes to enrage only increasing damage taken by 20%, it’s no longer necessary to take warpaint.
Massacre so you are actually able to press execute. Because without this talent, you do not have the rage to use both execute and rampage.
Inner Rage is very important as Raging Blow will be the biggest part of our rotation before execute phase.
Dragon Roar to make your Battle Cries even more powerful and the cooldowns line up perfectly, with Dragon Roar being on a 25 second cooldown and Battle Cry being on a 50 second cooldown.


Your goal here is to get enraged and use your hardest hitting ability which would be Raging Blow above 20% and Execute sub 20%. Basic Rotation/Priority without cooldowns:
Enraged Raging Blow
Non-Enraged Raging Blow
Furious Slash

Opener and cooldowns:
Charge plus Dragon Roar
Wait for GCD
Pop DPS macro (should have Avatar, Battle Cry, Racial DPS ability, active trinkets) and Bloodthirst
Raging Blow
Odyn's Fury
Raging Blow

Execute phase (sub 20%hp):
Enraged Execute
Massacre proceed Rampage (you only use Rampage if it's free from Massacre during execute phase)
Enraged Raging Blow (no rage for Execute)
Non-enraged Execute
Bloodthirst Also, during Execute phase, pop your cooldowns whenever they’re up and follow the Execute priority, and place Odyn’s fury to be below Enraged Execute.


More information you can check:https://www.mmogah.com/news/title/guide-for-fury-warrior-dps-of-legion-7-1-from-a-senior

