Knights of the Eternal Throne-the Best Gift to SWTOR’s Fifth Anniversary
December 20, 2016 will be the fifth year
of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and happy
Fifth Anniversary to SWTOR in
advance. How fast the time runs! SWTOR has been five years old. The official
started on this journey ten years ago, and their vision was to build a game
that would give gamers, who are all Star Wars fans, the experience of stepping
into the Star Wars universe at the center of their own saga. As a result,
players can have the chance to become a Jedi, a dark and deadly Sith Lord or a
snarky Smuggler, and shape their own story making meaningful choices along the
way that made the experience their Star Wars story. Fortunately, it doesn’t let
its fans disappointed and they are all willing to pay swtor gold
for a galaxy trip.
In order to celebrate its fifth year, the official
will reveal a brand new digital
expansion coming this fall, Knights of the Eternal Throne. The all new
expansion adds more of Bioware’s trademark cinematic storytelling, as well as
exciting new game features in one of the
largest updates the game has made since the game launched 5 years ago in
2011. When it comes to the full announcement of the expansion, fans want know
something new coming around the end of this year. Here is some details from
announced by EA More Information here: