As one of the best Elysium gold sellers, we would like to share this updated news that from Elysium Project.
“Please read the following information regarding further testing:
Players will be able to create level 60 characters.
Anathema, Darrowshire and Elysium are invited to test.
In Orgrimmar and Ironforge, you will find an NPC who will give you consumables, frost resistance gear, various raid gear and enchants. This NPC will be located where you teleport to after speaking to the Teleport-NPC which is described:
There will be a Teleport-NPC located in all starting areas to get you to Orgrimmar or Ironforge. This NPC will allow you to be directly teleported to Naxxaramas, as well as other locations in Azeroth, in order to test the 'Scourge Event' which will be added to the PTR during the next few weeks.
For more details, you can click this link: