
Runescape: The Beach Party Begins This Week

The Beach Party of Runescape kicks off in summer style this week, and Solomon's got some regal new stock in his store.


 The Beach
Everyone's favorite summer get-together is in full swing in Lumbridge Crater right now.
Head there to hang out with the rest of the community, and enjoy all your favorite summer skilling activities: the coconut shy, barbecues, rock pool fishing, muscle-beach weightlifting and much more.
Be sure to pick up a treasure map from Reyna, allowing you to collect a prize a day.
Every 45 minutes, you can pitch in with your fellow beachgoers to encourage grumpy crustacean Clawdia to calm down. She's been tweaked, too, so it's more viable to take her out on quieter worlds.
Other changes include a new terrorbird racing course and a Menaphos-themed Construction sandcastle.

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